Safe & Easy Security Fixes
Eliminate Network Breaches &
Get Peace of Mind

Eliminate vulnerabilities before a breach

Make urgent fixes in minutes after a breach

Eliminate scheduled and unscheduled outages
Cloud providers like AWS, Azure and GCP make 1000's of firmware security updates everyday to ensure a secure network. They take no maintenance downtimes to do so. And their networks rarely experience outages or breaches.
Rain's Network Process Automation (NPA) software brings that kind of power to your Datacenter, Edge & Cloud Networks.
Currently, network configuration and firmware changes are automated in rudimentary ways. Critical steps, like safety checks and traffic shifts, are still done manually. These manual steps are prone to human error, and are time consuming. So updates are often postponed leaving vulnerabilities to keep accruing. When updates are finally made, it takes hours of planned downtime and often result in serious outages.
In contrast, Cloud Providers, like AWS, Azure, and GCP, use Network process automation (NPA) to automate their network updates. These are done in minutes and require no scheduled downtime. These timely updates make breaches and outages rare. NPA increases their network engineer productivity by 20 times, leading to 85% lower cost per device managed.
Rain's NPA can bring this power to your networks.